According to the Cleveland Clinic, more than 300,000 deaths each year are linked to obesity, which is defined as weighing at least 100 pounds more than your ideal weight or having a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher. BMI is calculated using height and weight measurements.
In simple terms, obesity is caused by eating many more calories than you use, leading to the accumulation of extra fat. Usually, however, becoming overweight is not a simple process and has many potential causes, including illnesses or medications that can trigger weight gain.
Many obese people can trace their condition to external cues that make it easy to overeat and difficult for them to burn enough calories each day. According to the National Institutes of Health
  • Oversized food portions served in restaurants and encouraged by advertising
  • Sedentary activities such as computer and TV use
  • Deskbound jobs
  • Overuse of conveniences such as cars
  • Lack of recreational facilities such as gyms, parks or trails

Family history and genetics also have a strong influence on an individual’s weight and body type. But certain health conditions also can lead to weight gain, including:
  • Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid gland that slows metabolism and causes fatigue and weakness.
  • PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, which affects up to 10 percent of women of childbearing age and can also lead to excess body hair and reproductive problems.
  • Cushing’s syndrome, which stems from an overproduction of the hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands and is characterized by weight gain in the upper body, face and neck.

Additionally, some medications slow calorie burn, increase appetite or cause water retention, all of which can lead to extra pounds. These include certain antidepressants, seizure medications and corticosteroids.
Obesity is a pressing health concern because it often triggers the development of other serious medical conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic, these include:
  • Cancer, especially in the breast, colon, ovaries and prostate
  • Heart disease or stroke
  • Sleep apnea
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Depression
  • Infertility or irregular periods
Extreme obesity, defined as having a BMI of 40 or above, is referred to as morbid obesity because it often leads to death.

So this thing will help you to know how much obesity can harm you.So be conscious to your increasing weight and let our listed products help you out to stay away for all this complications.